Join me on my journey of self-discovery and growth as I expand my knowledge and learn about new healing modalities like TRE, Reiki, and more. Follow along as I become a certified TRE Provider and rebrand to match the work I do to facilitate holistic healing for my clients. Discover the power of a growth mindset and how it can transform your life!

I've missed you! But, boy, I haven't missed feeling like I HAD to show up in a certain way, all the time, no exceptions, so recently, I hit pause on some things. I learned a lot from that space of pause. And, holy crap am I glad I let myself hit that button, because I could only imagine how full-blown mental breakdown I could have gone into if I hadn't.

As I grew older, not being aware of my fixed mindset, I never went back into Express. I grew into their target demographic, but I still never even thought about crossing the threshold into the store. I wouldn't fit into anything they had in there, and if I could, I couldn't afford it, anyways. So, I just never went. Well, last week, a coworker with a VERY similar build (seriously, we're mistaken for each other every day) was telling me about how much she loved their dresses. I'm thinking, surely, she's lost her mind. "We can really fit into their sizes?", I asked, genuinely shocked. Well, apparently she shops there all the time and loves how they fit, so after informing me of their 50% off sale, I decided to roll the dice and go.

High Vibe Tribe
I've always been a "one of the guys" kinda girl. I've had few true gal pals that I maintained a close relationship with other time. I'm personally not, nor have I ever been a "woo girl" no matter how many vodka cran I'd consumed (and let's face it, I'm a bourbon or beer kind of girl, anyways.)
As women, I think we're raised to see other women as the enemy, competition, the standard by which we judge ourselves. Enough of this bullshit.

Ahhh, the past. The smell of cinnamon and orange can instantly snap me back to memories of family Christmas' in a small house full of people and love and loudness. Fond memories of the past can follow us into adulthood, true, but, commonly, the memories from the past that we hold on to are those we'd rather not. I know that personally, if I recall high school, I think of the painful experiences, the judgement, the labeling, and the status or social ranks before I think of the fun I had cheering at football games. Why is it that we hang on more to the things that hurt? If you think of past relationships, do you first think of the good times that you had together or of the rocky break up? Probably the tearful breakup, amiright?

I've said it soooo many times, and I won't stop. Gratitude can change everything. Even sitting down to write this blog, I was feeling rushed and forced, and I didn't think it would be any good. To shift my energy, I sat down at a super hipster coffee shop, ordered my big, black cold brew, and I started to consider all the amazing things in my life I had to be grateful for. The support of my friends and my partner, the opportunities I'm creating. The path of purpose I'm on. All of it. So grateful! And lo, and behold, the inspiration struck. So here goes.

Learn how to give yourself love and grace during emotional lows with holistic trauma practitioner's 15-year experience. Discover how to be sweet and gentle to yourself, and how to cut cords that tie you to painful things using ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono. Get ideas on how to take care of yourself during the tough times, such as having a good cry, going to yoga or kickboxing, taking a bubble bath, and treating yourself to healing things. Learn to forgive yourself or others, and release pain and energy that attaches you to it. Read on to let yourself not be okay, and experience growth and healing.

With society placing so much importance on output, there's a heightened pressure to be strong, and emotions can often be considered weakness, for men and women! We feel like we're expected to tough it out, push through it, and "leave it at the door". Well, sure, there's a time and a place for everything, but when do we actually allow ourselves to feel things without judgment?

Some of us may have never known what self-care looks like because we'd never seen it modeled for us. I know I didn't have a clear idea of what self-care looked like until recently. My mom, bless her heart, modeled the "Work, stress, struggle, guilt" cycle, and it took a LOT of work to rewire my brain, once I realized I was living that learned pattern. No matter the reasons for neglecting our self-care, here are some little ways to take better care of yourself.

Burnout. We all know the feeling. Stress. Exhaustion. Overwhelm. Whether you're a SAHM, a work-from home mom, a career gal, or an entrepreneur, there is SO much focus on productivity in our society, that it leaves big shoes to fill.